Meet our Leaders

Keith Howell
Bro. Keith was ordained as a pastor in 2014. He has been the pastor of Mt. Moriah since early 2014. He is married to his wife, Stacy, and has 3 children.
"As the pastor of Mt. Moriah, my goal for all people to be saved. I also hope that all the saved grow and have a closer walk with the Lord."

Ty McKinney
Ty was ordained as a decan in 2022. Ty and his family have been attending Mt. Moriah since 2021.
"Our church was in need of Deacons; someone who could be there to assist not only the Pastor but the community as well. After a lot of thought and prayer I decided this is the role I was meant to take. I look forward to being able to walk with my fellow brothers and sisters in their Christian journey."

Youth Leaders
Nathan and Anna Howell
Brandon and Rachel Birmingham
Nathan has been attending church at Mt. Moriah since 2014 and Anna has been attending Mt. Moriah since 2018. Rachel and Brandon have been attending Mt. Moriah since late 2021.
"As youth leaders we strive to inspire the youth. We want to see the youth grow in their faith and their walk with Christ."

Sunday School Director
Eddie Quillen
Eddie has been a member at Mt. Moriah for many years. As the Sunday School director, Eddie takes care of the weekly attendance and offering records.
"I strive to make sure that all teachers have the resources they need to best teach their classes."

Hospitality Committee
Brittney House and Ashley Connell
The hospitality committee is responsible for making all the visitors and member feel welcomed, loved, comforted, and celebrated.
"Our mission as the hospitality committee is to make sure that no one that enters these doors here at Mt. Moriah goes hungry or without anything they may need."

AWANA Directors
Ty and Laura McKinney
"God burdened our hearts with the desire to bring a program to our church that would serve not only our youth but the community youth as well. We feel that our job as Christians is to create disciples who will want to trust, love, and serve our Lord, and share his message with others. With the AWANA program we can achieve this with teachings, Bible verse memorization, and wholesome activities every week. Our goal is to pack the classes with children eager to learn about Jesus."